Sport Group + Polytan

WE make sport

In an increasingly digital, urbanized world where we are living for longer, sport has never been more important.

Sport requires our surfaces to survive and thrive. Urban spaces need to be more efficient, durable and usable, and in an aging and increasingly sedentary world, sport is more crucial than ever to health and happiness.

The world is better with sport in it and we make sport.

Founded in 1969 Polytan is one of the world's leading manufacturers of synthetic sports surfaces, installing Olympic-quality to customers around the world.

From running tracks to tennis courts, to Paris24 carbon-zero Olympic hockey turfs, Polytan offers the full product range from a single source including design, construction, installation, maintenance and service.

Polytan customers can ‘Trust the Chain’. This concept-to-creation capability provides customers with the best facilities for their grassroots players or elite athletes.

Polytan’s global collaboration shares ideas, research, information and expertise, from recent material innovations to emerging trends in environmentally sustainable products.

Sports include: football/soccer, hockey, rugby, tennis, American football, athletics, cricket, AFL and multi-sport.

Global Product Brands: Laykold (courts), LigaTurf (football turf), Poligras (hockey turf) and Rekortan (tracks).



Polytan Europe, Middle East & africa

Germany: +49 8432 870

UK: +44 (0)845 224 1416

France: +33 (0)3 22 50 30 30

Polytan Asia Pacific

Melbourne: +61 (3) 8792 8001
Auckland: +64 (4) 802 3960
Hong Kong: +852 2882 3026